Broken Metro, Crowded Buses and a Long Walk


Mazes and street art on our P-day.

Mazes and street art on our P-day.


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Wow, this week has just flown by. Well, really this entire transfer has.  I am having a hard time writing this email today because I am completely exhausted.  Earlier today, Sister Jeter and I did some shopping and enjoyed walking around downtown Montreal.  When it was time to head back to the mission office to write our emails, we discovered that all the metros were down and not working. We ended up walking most of the way. Towards the end we boarded the most crowded bus ever.  I am completely exhausted.

This last week has been crazy and busy with work.  Sister Jeter and I had two exchanges to go on.  I stayed in our area and took over. It was fun working the two days with Sister Willis and Sister Gentil. On Tuesday we had an awesome miracle when we met with Victor, whom we have not seen in awhile. It was an awesome lesson as we read in the Book of Mormon and talked with him about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He then looked at us and told us that he wants to get baptized soon!! It was pretty exciting. We are still praying that he can keep going to church and to have the desire to continue learning and progressing.

Also, another awesome finding experience we had was this last week at English class.   We had two people who were interested in learning more than just English. This one woman, Houda, that I felt super close to the second I met her, came again this week. After English class I had the biggest prompting to go ask her to meet with Sister Jeter and I. She said, “yest!” Our Mission President recently made a new rule that missionaries can no longer teach English classes. He wants us out teaching the gospel and not wasting any time. This made me kind of sad because I love teaching English. I know it was inspired and I know we will be blessed as we focus more on teaching others about Christ. It is cool to see as our English class is ending, how many people we are finding who want to learn more. When we put our trust in the Lord, He will provide the ways and the means.

Well, this next week is transfer calls so we will see what happens with that. It’s pretty funny because everyone thinks Sister Jeter is leaving…haha, but I dont want her too!!

I hope you all have a beautiful week and enjoy the summer weather! I  want to leave you with a scripture that really stuck out to me in my personal study this last week. I have been praying and fasting for certain things this last week. I came across this scripture in 3 Nephi 13:

“For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him…Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”

This was such a big answer to my prayers. Our Heavenly Father knows and listens to all our prayers. He knows what we are need of and what others are in need of. It is not a time to worry about tomorrow or how things will work out because He knows all and He knows the desires of our hearts. He loves His children and has a plan for each one of us. Its up to us to accept His will and push forward in faith always expecting miracles. I love my Heavenly Father and I know He loves each of us. We are all daughters and sons of our Heavenly Father. I love you all!!!


Sister Hunt

Summer Weeks in Montreal!

Just gotta love the rain!

Just gotta love the rain!


Visiting the Notre-Dame Basilica with Sister Jeter.

Visiting the Notre-Dame Basilica with Sister Jeter.


Chinatown in Montreal,

Chinatown in Montreal,


Bubble tea...our favorite!

Bubble tea…our favorite!

Salut tout le Monde!! :0

Well, I hope you all had a great week!  This week, as usual, has been super crazy, EXHAUSTING, and fun. Literally I feel tired all the time, but I just keep working with a smile. The weather is becoming hotter and hotter. This can make it a little hard at night with no air conditioning and only one fan to share. At the same time, it’s super nice to be walking around in the sun all day. I love it.

This last week we were able to go on two exchanges with a sister here in Montreal. I was also able to go on splits with Sister Kinghorn to Ville-Maire, a burough located in the center of the city. It was so fun to be back together! The last time we spent a whole day together was in the MTC. It was a super awesome exchange. We were on bikes and all was good until it began to rain. It was coming down so hard. We were pedaling like crazy trying to make it to our appointments. When we arrived to teach an English class that night, we were drenched.

We had two awesome miracles that day. First, that morning, we had a lady call and ask us to come visit her. Our only problem was due to the rain we missed the bus. For some reason we felt like we should start walking even though it was pouring. We did not have an umbrella and it was super far to walk. We started walking and a minute later, a car pulled up. The driver asked if we were the sister missionaries.  It turns out that she was a member from the English ward. She offered to give us a ride and get us to our appointment. She even left us with an umbrella. It was such a little miracle and a testimony builder of following the spirit and having faith in the Lord. He always provides the way to accomplish His great work. Also, later that night as we prepared for English class, Sister Kinghorn and I decided to do conversations for class. As we began, we asked the members what they wanted to talk about. A man raised his hand and asked if we would teach about the background of our church.  So, Sister Kinghorn and I taught the whole restoration lesson for English class that night. It was so cool.

It was a great week. This last weekend was crazy with another split and lessons. Then Sunday was full of meetings at church. I gave my first talk in French during Sacrament meeting. It was super scary, but I think it went pretty well.  I gave it on Missionary work… believe it or not;)  I was able to bear my testimony about my family and my dad because it was Fathers day!( Bonne Fete des Peres everyone!)

The last miracle of the week happened last night as we were preparing for bed. Our awesome investigator, Victor, called. He kind of fell off the face of the planet for the last two weeks because he was super busy working a new job. Just before the phone rang, Sister Jeter and I kneeled down for our nightly prayers. I prayed for a lot of things, but one thing in particular was to get back into contact with Victor. I ended my prayer and crawled into bed. Right before dozing off, I heard the phone ring indicating that we got a text. It was a long text from Victor apologizing for not seeing us for so long. He told us how much he missed church and the lessons. He also said that he was still praying. He was just going to read the scriptures before going to bed and then something said to him to text us and see if he can see us Tuesday. It was such a big miracle to end our week!

Today has been super fun. Sister Jeter and I went sightseeing around Montreal today. We went to Chinatown and the Notre-Dame Basilica. It was great!!

I hope you all have a beautiful week!! Remember to always trust in the Lord et mettre votre confiance en lui!  “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Je vous aime beaucoup!!

Avec amour toujours,

Soeur Hunt

Good Old Montreal!

My favorite flower...

My favorite flower…

to my favorite maple soda!

to my favorite maple soda!

Waiting for the metro.

Waiting for the metro.

P-day pictures

P-day pictures


Mormon missionaries walking to the cross at Mont Royal Park!

Mormon missionaries walking to the cross at Mont Royal Park!

So green here in Montreal.

So green here in Montreal.

Hello Family and Friends!!

This last week has been crazy as usual and with a mix of so many different emotions. It has been some of the best days ever and some of the hardest. But it wouldn’t be a mission if it wasn’t like that. I love it here and I am trying to make the most of every moment. Everyday in Montreal is a new experience. It can range from having random people come up to you so excited and saying, “You guys are the Mormon missionaries” and carrying on a happy conversation to, 10 minutes later, trying to build up that little amount of courage you need to share the gospel with the stranger sitting next to you on the metro. Sister Jeter and I have been so blessed as we continue to try our hardest and put our faith in the Lord daily. I have grown a lot serving with my companion. She is an amazing example of diligence, obedience, and faith. She is constantly helping me want to be a better missionary.

We have been working hard to build up our pool of investigators and the people we are teaching. We have struggled with seeing a lot of our investigators this last week. Although, we have seen lots of miracles from faith and obedience.

Saturday, was amazing traveling from place to place and talking to as many people as we could. It felt like the Lord was putting the perfect people right in our pathway. We found this man named, Mario on Friday, we taught him on Saturday, and then he came to church on Sunday. Unfortunately, Mario is too old for the Single Adult Ward that we serve in. It is hard finding and then passing off so many of our investigators to other missionaries, but it is so cool to see them continue and progress.

Sister Jeter and I had a cool experience as we were walking up to Mont Royal today on our P-day. We ran into a cute little family from Arkansas. They have met with the missionaries in the past, but they were never baptized. They were like the cutest family. They walked right up to us and said, “It’s the missionaries!” They told us how they were best friends with a Stake President from back home. They also, had their Mission President come to their home for dinner last summer. I am not sure why they have never been baptized, but it was cool running into them and helping them find their way around Montreal. Not a coincidence!

I am so thankful to be here in Montreal working with all these wonderful people. The Lord is blessing Sister Jeter and I constantly. I am learning so much about what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. I am striving to follow our Savior’s example in all I do. I love Him and His great work. I love you all so much and I hope you have a beautiful week!

Avec Amour,

Soeur Hunt

A Marvelous Work :)

Eating this yummy African dish of fish!

Eating this yummy African dish of fish!

My companion likes to break dance...she is pretty cool.

My companion likes to break dance…she is pretty cool.

Hello Family!!

Well, this week has been absolutely great! I truly feel so blessed and lucky to be serving here in Montreal. I am working with such wonderful people. Sister Jeter and I have witnessed many little miracles. We have also been busy with lots of work.

The weather is super rainy and a little chilly. I didn’t realize how much it rains in Montreal; It’s crazy. We had plans to go on a little hike, but I don’t think that will happen. We will certainly find another adventure for our P-day.

I would like to share some of the cool miracles we had this last week. First, our investigator, Victor, was able to come to FHE. He was able to meet our branch president, eat dinner with him, and make some new friends in our ward. Victor looked so happy.  He said that he felt right at home. This was something we have been praying for and it happened:)

Also, this last Saturday, we had a fun day packed full of lessons. Sister Jeter and I went teaching with our ward mission leader, Carlos. It was fun spending the day together and just working hard. We also ate dinner with our investigator, Mamadoo. Of course he fed us African food, which I haven’t had for a while. It was pretty good, but just a little scary looking (picture above.) We celebrated Carlos’ one year mark of being a member. He was so excited and happy. It is amazing to see how much the gospel has changed his life. He is working with the missionaries and preparing to serve his own mission. Next, he will be submitting his mission papers…fingers-crossed! We are super grateful for him and for all the service he gives to the ward.

We had an awesome experience, yesterday, after church. It was with one of our members who just moved here from Belgium. He has been struggling, lately. We have been trying to help him by being his friend and praying for him. Before we left the church, he came to us wanting to share an awesome experience with us.  He told us how he prayed sincerely for the first time in his life and that it really changed him. He sees a lot of things he wants to improve on in his life. He said he is free whenever we are free (which is always…) to help us with missionary work or to read the scriptures with him.  Sister Jeter and I were so happy for him and we could see a change in him already! It is great to see the Lord working in the lives of others.

One last experience we had is with a lady named, Olivia. We found her last week waiting outside the house of one our investigators. She kept looking at us like she knew us. We walked over to her and began talking with her. We found out she had studied with the missionaries in her home country located in the Caribbean, 7 years ago. Yesterday, we taught a first lesson with her. When we pulled out the restoration pamphlet, she stopped us and said, “I have that film!” She went to her back room and brought out the film. She told us that she had felt like watching it, but she knew that we were coming over, so she did not. We continued to have a great lesson with her. It was a powerful lesson that was full of the spirit. It is amazing to think that after 7 years she found the missionaries and still has all the things she was given while living in the Caribbean Islands. She is amazing. The only sad thing, she is older and English speaking, which means we have to pass her off to the other missionaries.  This is okay, we feel blessed to have found her and to begin teaching her.

This last week was amazingly great. Here is a quote that I love by President Thomas S. Monson, “We do everything we can to move this work forward. But this is the Lord’s work and He directs it. He is at the helm. We marvel as we watch Him open doors we cannot open and perform miracles we can scarcely imagine. In the end, we try to do our part each day, but He is the great architect.” This is His work. I feel so privileged to be a part of it:)  President Monson continues, “We live in a marvelous time where the gospel of Jesus Christ is being brought to all the world. It is great to see the hand of the Lord working and moving His marvelous work forward, and to see Him working in the lives of others and our own individual lives as well.”

Well, that is the question I will leave with you all. Do you look for Him working in your life? I challenge you to look for Him this next week, because I know He will be. 🙂 I love you all.

Have a beautiful June week,

Soeur Hunt